Orontium aquaticum
Orontium aquaticum goldenclub

Goldenclub is a plant of lakes, ponds, streams and sometimes vernal ponds. It forms a band along the shoreline extending out to depths of about 1m. The leaves of goldenclub are elliptical blades of dark blueish-green that extend above the water or sometimes float. The leaves arise from rhizomes in clusters and are a favorite of deers and geese. The inflorescence is a pack of small yellow flowers on top of a thick white stalk (spadix) that extends above the water. The flowers are not surrounded by a spathe as is usually the case with members of Araceae family. Both leaves and flowering stems of goldenclub are very distintive so the plant is easy to identify.
Habitat & Range
Infrequent in lakes, ponds, streams, swamps & along wet shores.
See distribution map at BONAP.
EMP: | OBL |
Flowers late April through May.
Plant Codes
S-rank: S4 (Apparently Secure)
G-rank: G5 (Secure)