Arctium minus

An alien burdock with pink, prickly flowers

Arctium minus common burdock

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneously Add to MyPlants

Herbaceous biennial introduced from Europe; mostly grows in disturbed habitats.  The flowers are quite prickly on short stalks and are reminiscent of a raceme; florets at the top of the flowerhead have purple bristles with white tips.  A close relative of the common burdock, the great burdock has larger leaves, and flower heads on long stalks, not particularly arranged.

Grows along roadsides, wood edges, in waste grounds, meadows, and fields.

Present throughout the state.

Wetland codes

Flowers July to September.

Arctium minus common burdock

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneously
Arctium minus gallery
Plant Life-Form
biennial forb
Common Names
common burdock