Campanula aparinoides
Campanula aparinoides marsh bellflower

Marsh bellflower is a rhizomatous perennial herb from the bellflower family with slender, weak stems that may lean on other plants for support. It typically grows in wet meadows, marshes and along the shorelines in well-drained, loamy soil.
Habitat & Range
Grows in marshes, moist meadows & fields, shores of streams. Prefers full sun to part shade and well-drained moist to wet soils.
Present throughout the state.
Wetland codes
EMP: | OBL |
Flowers late June to early September.
Flowers corolla funnelform, pale blue or white; long pedicels
Leaves alternate, simple, linear to narrowly lanceolate, scabrous margins and midveins
Stems weak, angled, with scabrous edges
Height ½ to 3 feet
Plant Codes
S-rank: S4 (Apparently Secure)
G-rank: G5 (Secure)