Arabidopsis lyrata
Tiny white wildflower found often found on rocky slopes
Arabidopsis lyrata lyreleaf rockcress

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Herbaceous biennial or perennial with an erect stem growing from a rosette of basal leaves with a terminal cluster of white four-petaled flowers. Mostly grows on rocks.
Habitat & Range
Cliffs and ledges, talus and rocky slopes, occasionally woodlands.
See distribution map at BONAP.
Flowers April through August.
Flowers 4-petaled, petals white and rounded; elongated clusters at tips of the stems. 4 sepals behind the flowers and 6 yellow stamens.
Caulineleaves liner-elliptic, entire; glabrous, sessile and widely spaced on the stem.
Basalleaves 2 in long, pubescent; large lobe at the tip; normally fall away by flowering time.
Stems glabrous on the top part of the plant and hairy at the base; can be multiple, arising from the base.
Fruit slender pod pointing upwards.
Plant Codes
S-rank: No rank
G-rank: G5 (Secure)