Amphicarpaea bracteata
Amphicarpaea bracteata hog peanut

This perennial plant has three types of flowers and seeds, one on the upper plant, one at the base of the plant, and one underground. The two latter ones are self-pollinating. The flowers at the base of the plant are not readily seen and have pear-shaped seeds that are edible, the underground peanuts are dug up and eaten by wild hogs.
Habitat & Range
Common in moist woods, and man-disturbed habitats
Present throughout the state.
Wetland codes
EMP: | FAC |
Flowers late May to early September.
Plant Codes
S-rank: No rank
G-rank: G5 (Secure)
Amphicarpaea bracteata hog peanut
Amphicarpaea bracteata gallery
Plant Life-Form
annual or perennial herbaceous vine
Common Names
hog peanut
American hog peanut