Nuphar advena
Nuphar advena spatterdock

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The leaves are mostly emergent extending above the water surface. The petioles are round or oval in cross-section rather than flattened on one side, as is the case with N. variegata. Globular yellow flowers have yellow or greenish stigmatic disk.
Habitat & Range
Swamps, ponds, lake margins and slow-moving streams.
Present throughout the state.
Wetland codes
EMP: | OBL |
Flowers May through September.
Similar Species
Nuphar variegata
are flattened on the upper side unlike the petioles of N. advena that are round or oval in cross-section.
Leaves are emergent unlike the leaves of N. advena that float on the water surface.
Plant Codes
S-rank: S4 (Secure)
G-rank: G5 (Secure)