Jeffersonia diphylla

An uncommon wildflower with a delicate 'twin' leaf - a single leaf with two wing-like parts

Jeffersonia diphylla twinleaf

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA

This perennial native dicot plant is a member of the barberry family. It has a single leaf that is divided into two identical parts that are shaped like angel wings. A leafless flower stalk produces a white 8-petal star-like blossom. The fruit is a pipe-shaped capsule that bursts open when mature to release the seeds. The flower petals are very fragile and often drop off when subject to rain or light winds.

The plant grows to a maximum height of 3 feet. The blooming time is March through May. It grows in rich, moist woods and thus tolerates partial shade. William Bartram named the plant in honor of his friend Thomas Jefferson. The only other species of twinleaf is found in Japan (Jeffersonia dubia). It is called the Asian twinleaf and produces a violet flower.

Native Americans used this plant for treatment of dropsy, gravel and urinary ailments, and for gall and diarrhea, and in poultices for sores and ulcers. The medicinal value of the plant has not been scientifically verified.

This plant is found in northeastern United States from northwestern New York State south to Georgia and Alabama in the Mountains and west to Iowa. It is endangered in New Jersey and Georgia.  This plant is not very common in our area and should never be picked or transplanted. It can be purchased from on-line nurseries. Young plants do not compete well and should be kept free of weeds.

Contributed by: Mark Welchley

Occasional in moist woods, usually on calcerous soils.

Mostly found in southwest and southcentral parts of the state.

Range Found in northeastern United States from northwestern New York State south to Georgia and Alabama in the Mountains and west to Iowa.

Wetland code: Not classified

Flowers March through May.

S-rank:  No rank
G-rank:  G5 (Secure)

Jeffersonia diphylla twinleaf

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA
Jeffersonia diphylla gallery
Plant Life-Form
Common Names