Platanthera peramoena
Platanthera peramoena purple fringeless orchid

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The flowers of Platanthera peramoena, also known as the purple fringeless orchid, look just as their common name implies – they range from dark pink to bright purple and, unlike their relatives P. psycodes, P. grandiflora, and P. shriveri, have a lower lip that is "finely toothed" as opposed to deeply fringed. Peak bloom is usually mid-to-late July to early August in Pennsylvania.
Plants are relatively small compared to other members of the genus, ranging in height from 1-3 feet. Leaves are long and narrow and grow less conspicuous as they extend up the stem. This is a wetland species, with habitats varying from damp meadows to roadside ditches to the margins of vernal pools.
P. peramoena’s range is limited to a narrow band across the southeastern and southcentral U.S., with southern Pennsylvania serving as its northern-most limit. A limited number of sites combined with habitat loss have combined to make this an "imperiled" plant in our state, with a contemporary populations found only in Westmoreland, Fayette, and Somerset Counties.
Platanthera fissa Population Map. Biota of Northern America Program (BONAP) Atlas. Available at Platanthera fissa
Purple fringeless orchid Factsheet. Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Inventory. Available at Purple fringless orchid
Habitat & Range
Rare in moist meadows, low wet woods and ditches.
Mostly present in the south.
Flowers July through August.
Plant Codes
PA-satus: PT (Threatened)
S-rank: S2 (Imperiled)
G-rank: G5 (Secure)