
Platanthera fringed orchid

Platanthera blephariglottis (white fringed orchid) Plant is native to PA

The showy pure white flower of this native orchid …

Platanthera ciliaris (yellow fringed orchid) Plant is native to PA

The showy flowers of Platanthera ciliaris, …

Platanthera clavellata (club spur orchid) Plant is native to PA

This perennial member of the orchid family grows …

Platanthera dilatata (white bog orchid) Plant is native to PA

Platanthera dilatata, also known as the white bog …

Platanthera flava (pale green orchid) Plant is native to PA

This perennial member of the orchid family blooms …

Platanthera grandiflora (greater purple fringed orchid) Plant is native to PA

The purple to (rarely) white flowers of P. …

Platanthera huronensis (tall northern bog orchid) Plant is native to PA

This rare native, perennial orchid is also known …

Platanthera lacera (green fringed orchid) Plant is native to PA

This native orchid has elliptical leaves with …

Platanthera orbiculata (padleaf orchid) Plant is native to PA

This native perennial member of the orchid family …

Platanthera peramoena (purple fringeless orchid) Plant is native to PA

The flowers of Platanthera peramoena, also known …

Platanthera psycodes (lesser purple fringed orchid) Plant is native to PA

The flowers of this native, perennial member of …