Lobelia kalmii

Lobelia kalmii brook lobelia

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA Add to MyPlants

This perennial herb has slender stems of light green and is shorter than most Lobelias.  Leaves are both basal and cauline.  Basal leaves are spatula-shaped and smaller, usually withering away by flowering time.  Cauline leaves are linear up to 2″ long.  Both leaves have tiny teeth along the margins.

Very rare in calcerous swamps, moist pasture and fens.  Prefers full sun, calcerous soil, and wet to moist conditions.

Scattered throughout the state.

Wetland codes

Flowers August to early October.

Inflorescence  terminal raceme

Flowers  blue or white on slender pedicels with bracteoles; 2-lipped tubular corolla, lower lip has 3 lobes, upper lip 2 reduced lobes;

Leaves  basal leaves spatulate, cauline leaves linear, simple, alternate; small teeth along the margins; mostly glabrous

Stems  slender, glabrous light green

Fruit  small capsule, open at top

Height  16″

PA status: PE (Endangered)
S-rank:      S1 (Critically Imperiled)
G-rank:      G5 (Secure)

Lobelia kalmii brook lobelia

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA
Lobelia kalmii gallery
Plant Life-Form
perennial forb
Common Names
brook lobelia kalm's lobelia