Cardamine bulbosa
Common cress growing in wetlands
Cardamine bulbosa bulbous bittercress

Erect perennial arising from tuber-like rhizomes with small white 4-petaled flowers. Leaves are edible and have a peppery taste. Basal leaves are characteristically roundish and stem leaves are narrowing up the stem. A common inhabitant of wetland and swamps.
Habitat & Range
Low wet grounds, swamps, and near creeks may be in shallow water.
Present throughout the state, except most northern counties.
Wetland codes
EMP: | OBL |
Flowers April to July.
Plant Codes
S-rank: S5 (Secure)
G-rank: G5 (Secure)
Cardamine bulbosa bulbous bittercress
Cardamine bulbosa gallery
Plant Life-Form
perennial forb
Common Names
bulbous bittercress