Rhamnus cathartica

Rhamnus cathartica European buckthorn

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is invasive in PA Add to MyPlants

A European buckthorn escaped from landscaping & now naturalized throughout the state.  Grows in thick stands and is considered a nuisance plant to eliminate. 

The tree can have single or multiple crooked trunks, with a round crown.  The leaves stay green into November and then fall off without changing color.  Spread by birds that eat berries throughout the winter.

Grows in open woods, pastures, fencerows and roadsides.

Present throughout the state.

Wetland codes

Flowers May to June.

Leaf  simple, oval, with pointed tip and finely-toothed margins; dark green on upper surface; opposite attachement

Bark  gray with horizontal white markings & many scales

Flower  green bell-shaped flowers in clusters

Fruit  green berries in cluster, turning black at maturity; each berry contains 3-4 seeds; stay on the tree throughout winter

Rhamnus cathartica European buckthorn

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is invasive in PA
Rhamnus cathartica gallery
Plant Life-Form
deciduous shrub or tree
Common Names
European buckthorn common buckthorn