Calystegia sepium
Calystegia sepium hedge false bindweed
Synonyms: Convolvulus sepiumAlthough this plant looks like a morning glory at first site, its leaves are rather different - either arrowhead or spade-shaped. Flowers are normally white, but can also come in pink and bloom from May to early autumn in thickets, and along roadsides. This perennial vine likes to climb over other plants.
Habitat & Range
Common in fields, forest edges, and waste grounds.
Present throughout the state.
Wetland codes
EMP: | FAC |
Flowers June to September.
Plant Codes
S-rank: No rank
G-rank: G5 (Secure)
Calystegia sepium hedge false bindweed
Synonyms: Convolvulus sepium
Calystegia sepium gallery
Plant Life-Form
perennial herbaceous vine
Common Names
hedge false bindweed
hedge bindweed