Cornus canadensis

Cornus canadensis bunchberry

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA Synonyms:   Chamaepericlymenum canadense
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The flowers of bunchberry are tiny and form a greenish cluster at the center surrounded by 4 white bracts.  Bracts surmount the whorl of 6 glossy leaves.

Occasional in cool, damp woods, bogs, and swamp edges.

More common in the north and at high elevations along the Allegheny front.

Wetland codes

Flowers late May through June.

Fruits late July to August.

Flowers  in a terminal cluster surrounded by 4, showy white bracts

Leaves  in the whorl of 4 to 6 at the summit and paired below

Fruits  red, clustered

S-rank:  No Rank
G-rank:  G5 (Secure)

Cornus canadensis bunchberry

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA
Synonyms:   Chamaepericlymenum canadense
Cornus canadensis gallery
Plant Life-Form
Common Names
bunchberry dwarf dogwood