Picea mariana
Picea mariana black spruce

A slow-growing native spruce living up to 200 years. It is commonly found along marshes and bogs. Cones mature in autumn but may not open for a number of years. Heat from forest fires opens the cones releasing large number of seeds. Black spruce is relatively small, only growing to a height of 50 feet.
Habitat & Range
Grows in bogs, peats, or wet soil, often with tamaracks.
Present throughout the state.
Cones mature in autumn, but may not open and stay on the tree for up to 15 yrs.
Tree narrow pyramid shape, slender, small to medium size; upper branches spread and can be drooping, many dead lower branches
Needles single, densely set along twig, dull bluish-green in color; 1⁄4-1 inch long
Twigs young twigs have very small brownish hairs
Bark reddish-brown with large scales, inside bark is light green
Seed Cones purplish, becoming brown when mature, egg-shaped; 1⁄2-1 1⁄2 inch long
Height 20-50 feet
Fall Color evergreen
Age 150-200 yrs
Plant Codes
S-rank: S4 (Apparently secure)
G-rank: G5 (Secure)