Picea glauca

Picea glauca white spruce

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is cultivated Add to MyPlants

Grows as forest plantations, or urban plantings.

Scattered populations throughout the state; native farther north.

Wetland codes

Tree  trunk single & straight with many horizontal branches, ragged steeple crown

Needles  single, blue-green with a line of white dots on all 4 sides; stiff, pointed, 4-sided; 1⁄3 - 3⁄4 inch long

Bark  light gray with many flaky scales; inner bark pinkish

Seed Cones  green when young, turning brown at maturity; smooth texture, single or in clusters, hangs down from branch; 1-2 1⁄2 inch long

Height  40-60 feet

Fall Color  evergreen

Age  175-200 yrs

Picea glauca white spruce

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is cultivated
Picea glauca gallery
Plant Life-Form
evergreen coniferous tree
Common Names
white spruce skunk spruce