Ulmus americana
Ulmus americana American elm
Add to MyPlantsLarge trees that have become rare due to the Dutch elm disease. Mature trees with arching branches have a distinct vase shape.
Habitat & Range
Grows alongs stream banks and in floodplains in moist soils, prefers full sun.
Present throughout the state.
Flowers late March to early April, before the leaves.
Fruits April and May.
Tree very tall, with single trunk with prominent roots flares; upper branches arch with branch tips often drooping
Flowers tiny and reddish brown, in clusters
Leaves simple, oval, with pointed tip, alternate; assymetrical leaf base; margins double-toothed; 2-3 forked veins per leaf
Bark dark gray, corky, deeply furrowed with flat ridges
Fruit flat, fuzzy samara, becoming tan when mature, round to oval with notch at the tip
Height 70-100''
Fall Color yellow
Plant Codes
S-rank: S5 (Secure)
G-rank: G4 (Apparently Secure)