Toxicodendron radicans
A common plant that can cause irritation to the skin
Toxicodendron radicans poison-ivy
Synonyms: Rhus radicansClimbing or scrambling vine with aerial rootlets is used to climb trees and other surfaces. There are 3 leaflets that are either coarsely toothed or shallowly lobed. May cause mild to severe irritation of the skin when touched.
Habitat & Range
Common in open woods, along roadsides, fencerows, and wood edges.
Present throughout the state.
Wetland codes
EMP: | FAC |
Flowers late May to early June.
Fruits late July through October.
Leaves compound, 3 leaflets, ovate to elliptic, irregularly coarsely toothed or shallowly lobed. Terminal leaflets long-stalked, lateral leaflets short-stalked or sessile.
Fruits white, drooping.
Plant Codes
S-rank: S5 (Secure)
G-rank: G5 (Secure)