Toxicodendron radicans

A common plant that can cause irritation to the skin

Toxicodendron radicans poison-ivy

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA Synonyms:   Rhus radicans

Climbing or scrambling vine with aerial rootlets is used to climb trees and other surfaces.  There are 3 leaflets that are either coarsely toothed or shallowly lobed.  May cause mild to severe irritation of the skin when touched.

Common in open woods, along roadsides, fencerows, and wood edges.

Present throughout the state.

Wetland codes

Flowers late May to early June.

Fruits late July through October.

Leaves  compound, 3 leaflets, ovate to elliptic, irregularly coarsely toothed or shallowly lobed.  Terminal leaflets long-stalked, lateral leaflets short-stalked or sessile.

Fruits  white, drooping.

S-rank:  S5 (Secure)
G-rank:  G5 (Secure)

Toxicodendron radicans poison-ivy

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA
Synonyms:   Rhus radicans
Toxicodendron radicans gallery
Plant Life-Form
woody vine
Common Names