Viburnum lantana

Viburnum lantana wayfaring tree

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneously

This species of viburnum has simple, opposing leaves which are typically oval-shaped.  They are serrated along the edges.  Flowers, which are found in small clumps, bear both male and female parts and appear in early summer.  Fruit follows after pollination by insects.

The plant's mildly toxic, oblong-shaped red or black fruit may cause stomach issues and diarrhea if consumed.

Originally imported for use as an ornamental but has since become a wild species.

Typically found along roadsides in alkaline soil, as a result of being spread by bird droppings.

Scattered throughout the state.

Wetland code: Not classified

Flowers late May.

Fruits in September.

The downy hairs of this plant make it easy to identify - they are typically more prevalent underneath the leaves than they are on top.