
Viburnum viburnum

Decidious shrubs with opposite, simple leaves.  Flowers are white or rarely pink, small with 5 petals and clustered in terminal cymes.

Viburnum dilatatum (linden viburnum)

This tree bears simple, oval to teardrop-shaped …

Viburnum lantana (wayfaring tree)

This species of viburnum has simple, opposing …

Viburnum lantanoides (hobblebush) Plant is native to PA

Called "hobblebush" because of the tendency of …

Viburnum lentago (nannyberry) Plant is native to PA

Nannyberry can either be a bush or a small tree, …

Viburnum opulus (guilder-rose)

This European plant is cultivated and often …

Viburnum prunifolium (blackhaw) Plant is native to PA

A sturdy, deciduous native shrub, average height …

Viburnum recognitum (northern arrowwood) Plant is native to PA

Quite similar to V. dentatum, differing in …

Viburnum trilobum (American highbush cranberry) Plant is native to PA

This native shrub has three-lobed leaves of dark …