Rubus pubescens

Rubus pubescens dwarf raspberry

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA Add to MyPlants

Found in swampy woods, moist slopes, and occasionally in bogs.

More common in northern and central counties.

Wetland codes

Flowers May through June.

Stems  creeping, at or near the soil surface.

Branches  have none or very few thorns.

Leaves  sharply toothed are in threes.

Flowers   one to three, white or pale pink .

Fruit  dark red raspberry.

S-rank:  S4 (Apparently Secure)
G-rank:  G5 (Secure)

Rubus pubescens dwarf raspberry

Plant grows in the wild/spontaneouslyPlant is native to PA
Rubus pubescens gallery
Plant Life-Form
perennial forb
Common Names
dwarf raspberry dwarf red raspberry